You have turned off Netflix, turned down social occasions, kissed the kids, and tucked them into bed. You have put on some background music and...
How much work experience should I write into my resume?
How much work experience should I write into my resume?Putting together a good resume is vital to finding a great job. So, in this case, you must...
14 Fantastic Tips for Phone Interviews!
1) Give your interviewers precise and detailed contact information in your Cover Letter or Resume so they can readily contact you. Use our online...
Should I Fake it until I Make it?
Yesterday, I heard an incredible story about a woman who lied on her resume to land a job she wanted. She had no experience in the role, got the job...
Some Free Resume Templates are not actually free!
What is the cost of using a free resume template? It can cost you a promotion, a new job, or a visa? Have you ever decided to buy the cheap version...
How do you respond to a Resume Received Email?
Applying for jobs can be nerve-wracking. Eagerly awaiting a response to an application can seem like a lifetime. You are constantly checking your...
Rushed Resumes Don’t Get Interviews!
Rushed Resumes Don’t Get Interviews! Let's face it, writing your resume is one of the worst life admin jobs! No one likes it, especially when you...
Easy Steps to Working Overseas
Dust off your passport people! The Australian borders are open, let’s make the most of it and start looking for our dream opportunity overseas....
COVID, you can’t beat us!
My god, we are sick of COVID! It's caused absolute devastation and disaster for so many people. We have lost loved ones, jobs, mortgages, the right...
How recruiters can be a candidates best friend
Travel Industry recruitment expert Philippa Baker explains exactly how she and other recruiters can help candidates stand out in a crowded market....
A List of Questions to Prepare for a Job Interview – My Top 10!
I am frequently asked by small business owners who can’t afford to pay a recruiter’s fee, but need a hand finding talent, what they should be asking...
Age-Proof your Resume
You would have to be living under a rock to think that age discrimination wasn’t a problem during the recruitment process. Most employers and hiring...
Tips from the Trenches to Nail the Recruitment Process
Practical and refreshingly honest top-tips and biggest turn-offs for resumes, cover letters, screening calls and interviews that will give you a...
How to successfully change careers into a new role.
Matthew's interview takes us on a journey of cover letters, resumes, and how to successfully change careers into a new role. Matthew, is a...
7 Common Resume Mistakes
I was having coffee with a friend a few months ago who worked in HR and used to write resumes about 15 years ago. She was telling me that she...