At some point in our careers, we all face the inevitable question: “I’ve found an awesome new job—now how do I resign?”

Regardless of the reasons behind your departure—whether you’ve stumbled upon a better opportunity, are seeking a fresh start, or have personal reasons driving your decision—how you leave your current job can significantly impact your professional reputation.

Here are some tips on how to resign with grace, ensuring that you don’t burn any bridges in the process.

1. Preparation: Crafting Your Narrative

Before you even utter the words “I resign,” take a moment to reflect on your decision. It’s crucial to develop a narrative about why you’re leaving. This reflection period will help you confidently articulate your reasons when discussing your departure with your current employer and allow you to clearly explain the reasons for accepting the new opportunity.

2. Timing Is Everything

Consider the timing of your resignation carefully. If you find yourself in the middle of a critical project that your departure could disrupt, think about how to minimise that impact. Give your employer enough notice to manage the transition smoothly, showing respect for both the organisation your currently work for and its clients.

3. Request a Face-to-Face Meeting

Initiate the resignation process by requesting a face-to-face meeting with your direct supervisor or manager. This simple step is a professional courtesy that paves the way for open and constructive communication about your decision.

4. Craft a Thoughtful Resignation Letter

Follow up your meeting with a resignation letter or email confirming your departure date. Keep it concise, expressing gratitude for the opportunities you’ve had and clearly explaining your reasons for leaving. We recommend maintaining a positive tone.

5. Offer a Helping Hand with Transition

Demonstrate your commitment to a seamless transition by offering assistance to upskill your replacement. Whether it’s transferring responsibilities, training your successor, or documenting critical processes and knowledge, a proactive approach to handing over will be appreciated.

6. Follow Company Procedures

To safeguard your professional reputation, it is important to adhere to your company’s resignation policies and procedures, which are typically outlined in your employment contract. Don’t forget to return any company property, including laptops, keys, and access cards.

7. Maintain Commitment Until the End

Even though you’ve set your sights on a new horizon, continue to exhibit the same dedication and work ethic until your very last day. Your colleagues and supervisors will remember your professionalism and reliability.  There is nothing worse than people checking out early and dropping the ball.

Leaving your current job doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Instead, it can be an opportunity to demonstrate your professionalism and leave a lasting impression as you embark on the next chapter of your career.  Resigning from a job is a significant milestone in your career journey, and doing it gracefully is fundamental for preserving your professional image.

Meg Salter
Co-Founder & Co-CEO
[email protected]
Linkedin: @meg-salter
Kate Bartlett
Co-Founder & Co-CEO
[email protected]
Linkedin: @bartlettkate
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